Bryan Ferry at Guilfest, 15 July 2012

Bryan Ferry at Guilfest, 15 July 2012

Bryan Ferry performing at Guilfest in Surrey, on 15 July 2012.

The former Roxy Music vocalist headlined the main stage of the three day Guilfest festival, with special guest Johnny Marr (formerly of The Smiths) on guitar. It was a chilly evening and this shot, taken later in the set, shows the singer’s addition of a woolly scarf to his trademark sharp suit.

Photographers were allowed to stay and shoot throughout his set. This was an unusual move, as generally photographers are only allowed to stay in the photo pit for the first three songs – changes to these restrictions usually mean less, rather than more time to shoot (sometimes only two songs, or even only one song, or shooting from a location further away than the pit). Mr Ferry became one popular man with all the photographers that night…

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